A Boutique Owner.... Say What?!
Someone pinch me! I feel like I’m dreaming everyday, but this is my real life! I have so much gratitude. First off, beyond thankful for the Lord always providing for us and paving the way for our family to open this boutique.
Y’all, if you had told me 10 years ago that one day I’d be running a boutique, I would have looked at you like you had lost your mind! I was a teacher and a young mom. No aspirations of becoming a boutique owner. This wasn’t a dream I’ve had since I was a little girl. Wasn’t on my radar at all. Plain Jane was my style and shopping for clothes was not my favorite.
In fact, I always struggled with fashion because my body shape and size didn’t really fit the mold of what most stores offered. I’m 4’11” and have curves for days. HaHa I would go shopping, try on 15 styles and not one of them would look good on me or fit me right. It was SO defeating. So depressing. Jeans especially were the worst. So uncomfortable and did not fit me right anywhere! I remember countless times crying about my frustrations. My husband, Steven, even told me at one time to find a company that makes custom jeans, he didn’t care the price (even though that would be way out of our budget at the time), but I looked and found nothing!
Who knew God would use my frustrations for clothing and stores where I could never find styles that fit my body correctly to one day help women of all shapes and sizes find styles that not only fit them, but made them look and feel beautiful in. Feel comfortable. Feel confident. It’s amazing when you let God be in control and you put your trust in Him, the incredible things He will do with your life! He gives me such a great feeling of purpose and belonging.
Fast forward to today. I can't believe I get to help women solve their fashion woes. I get to help encourage women to see what we see. I'm sure many have heard me say it, and I'll say it again. What you see in the mirror is not what we see. You are beautiful and perfect just. the. way. you. are!
This is just a condensed version of how Three Birdies Boutique came to be, but it was on my heart and I wanted to share! I’m sure one day I’ll share a lengthier version because our story really is amazing, but we’ll save that for down the road when I have more time on my hands (maybe someday, right?! Lol).
I’m in awe of the absolutely insane amount of growth we have had in just under two years of opening our brick and mortar location. I thank God everyday for blessing us with this beautiful small business, for our incredible staff who are our family, and our incredible customers who are some of my dearest friends now and the wonderful relationships I have built through this place. We are SO thankful for all of the love and support shown to our small business!

Jan Birsinger said:
Congratulations Stacy to you and your family! What a success story, and a lot of hard work too!! So happy for you! Hopefully some of those skills you learned through Girl Scouts has helped along the way!!